Image of Natasha Roosekrans with Atlanta Communities Woodstock

Understanding Your Lead Generation DNA

Cook & James is committed to building relationships in the community and wants to spotlight our friends and colleagues -- realtors, brokers, agents, and other industry experts – as guests on our blog. Among previous guest posts Tim Hur and Joi Bostic discussed fair housing, Kathy Delbridge talked credit from her lender’s point of view, and Eric Hoffner explained why all brokers are not the same. Today, in our ongoing guest blog series, Natasha Roosekrans, managing broker at Atlanta Communities, discusses lead generation. defines lead generation as “the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business's products or services.”  

In the real estate business, identifying your ideal customer is actually quite simple - the ideal customer is anyone who is in need of a roof over their head! With that obvious target customer in mind, your goal is to constantly remind people what it is that you do so that when they think of real estate, they think specifically of you.  

The question, of course, is how to have organic conversations about real estate so that you can remind people what it is that you do, with the hopes of potential sales down the road. The answer is lead generation.  

Find and Embrace Your Unique Lead Generation DNA

Most of us have been told at one point or another that in order to be successful in real estate you have to pick up the phone and make cold calls to complete strangers for two hours per day, five days per week. I’ve personally heard those instructions many times over the years. I also knew, however, that this method of lead generation does not speak my language. Not at all. I would spend hours finding ways to creatively re-prioritize my day to avoid this necessary task.

After many wasted months of trying to live up to someone else’s idea of success, I decided to do my own research by interviewing successful agents about where their lead sourcing originated. Much to my surprise, it was different for every agent. They cited open houses, networking, house-warming parties, farming, FSBO, door-knocking, expireds, social media, communications with builders, and relocations, just to name a few.  

The one constant for these agents is that they found an activity that spoke to their lead generation DNA. Mind blown!  

Your Wheelhouse May Not Be Mine

With this new data, I identified lead generation activities within my wheelhouse that I could perform at my own pace. I wasn’t cold calling, but I was competing perfectly well with other agents and enjoying what I was doing because the methods spoke to my strengths and were in my comfort zone.

Lead generation can be conducted in a myriad of ways, but the most important thing is that it must be done consistently. The consistency part is what builds a pipeline of business for years to come. Committing to lead generation three to four times a week will make an incredible difference in the success of your business.  

Honest Questions and Answers

Keep in mind that - as with most things in life - it takes time and practice to master a new skill. If you have had poor success in the past with lead generation, don’t dismiss the activity just yet. Instead, ask yourself a couple of questions:  

  • “Is this a form of lead generation that I am inclined to use?” If it isn’t, select a different activity. No sense wasting your time and energy on an activity that you simply hate to do. There are many to choose from, and some will be more appealing to you than others.  
  • “Did I allow enough time to master this form of lead generation, or did I become frustrated because I didn’t get immediate results?” If not, be honest with yourself and schedule time on your planner to work on that activity.  
  • “Do I fully understand this form of lead generation?” If not, schedule time on your planner to better educate yourself via online classes, in person classes, or agent shadowing to become successful.  

For more information on how to find lead generation activities that speak to who YOU are, go to www.AtlCommunities.Net/Touch.  


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About Natasha Roosekrans:

Natasha Roosekrans is managing broker for Atlanta Communities Real Estate Brokerage in Woodstock, Ga. With over 21 years of real estate experience, Natasha is known for simplifying creative marketing strategies for agents to better keep in touch with their sphere of influence. Best known for her Touch Training Series, Perfect Pop-By kits and other “touches” that are easy to use for agents, Natasha has dedicated her career to assisting real estate professionals. Her Touch Training Series assists both seasoned and new real estate professionals in creating a pipeline of business for years to come. As Managing Broker, Natasha works hand-in-hand with agents to troubleshoot issues, mentoring them within their business plan and assisting with their business practices development. Email Natasha at