Highlighting the Heart Behind Our Business

Meet Rhett, our Marketing Specialist who is...extremely *okay* at her job.

Rhett is the most considerate person we have ever met. She would make sure to clean up her own blood from her kidnapper’s car all while being duct taped in the back seat. And she would definitely make sure they were not mad at her. That would not be tolerable.

When it comes to compliments or insults, Rhett has a unique talent – she doesn't like either one. Say something nice, and she'll blush like a tomato. Throw an insult her way, and she'll put you on her own private hit list. 

Rhett is often found doing very unjob-related things, like moving furniture when something isn’t "just" right. And if you catch her unaware it’s possible to overhear some Hamilton in the background. 

In all seriousness, Rhett is loved and treasured at C&J.  She has been with us for a little more than three years and in that time she has become crucial, not only to our brand and creativity but also to the team culture.  She could not possibly write her own spotlight, so that job fell on HJ and AKC and well…..it comes with some light roasting.  Rhett is the creative genius behind our brand.  Every quirky campaign, memorable slogan, pun or tagline comes from her.  All of our visual art was most likely doodled by her hand with love and care.  She plans out our fun themes and painstakingly herds the cats (read:  Heather, Kara, Bonnie, Chuck and Sarah!) to make our photo shoots and reels come to life.  She is the mastermind behind the curtain and, while we want her to come out and take a bow, she probably will opt not to do that. 

If you really want to make her happy, make her tell you a fun fact about herself! Ask her about it in a big group.  The bigger the better!! She lives for that! When Rhett isn’t at C&J she’s likely at home with her newly-wed husband and snuggling Betts and their so-new-he- doesn't-even-have-a-name-yet puppy with a book.  Or clubbing.
